Human ‘insecure’ beings

24 thoughts on “Human ‘insecure’ beings”

  1. Thanks for sharing! Insecurity is such a killer. What a great point about how we see each other as a means of comparison rather than just human beings. Thanks for this enlightening perspective!

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  2. The entire Trump issue is certainly a debatable topic. Actually when we look at it on the whole, there can be very differing opinions. Some will come from the line of thought of Trump, others from the world in the East. I think your post intended to address humans as ‘Social Beings’ and has very aptly done so. There are certainly larger goals each one of us must set for ourselves. This task is more easy said than done, haha – taking into account how diverse backgrounds we all come from. But there’s certainly a higher goal which drives each one of us. There certainly resides humanity which shows up in times of need. For people who fail to recognise this humanity on the right time, your post is a must read 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I feel good about the fact that you understood my motive in sharing this post. I was a bit unsure about how this post would turn out to be in this world of diverse bloggers. Your comment does makes me feel satisfied. Thank you so much! 😊

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  3. I totally agree with you… Jealousy isn’t the solution and a ban definitely not a solution. I think we should respect every religion and if we want to ban something — ban terrorists not the person.

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  4. I believe no human being is illegal. And Trump, I don’t think he did wrong, if this step of his will stop the bombing in Syria, Iran, Yemen, and other countries of Middle East. If we are talking about human social being than Obama was the worst president. He bombed people, and America is doing this from ages. So if this step of Trump can be accompanied by stopping the bombings, then I’m with Trump. And I do believe he i’ll do that. And second point. People compares, that’s the reality, that’s in the mentality. You compare which university, prices everything, then why not human beings, knowing , comparison that comparison is root to many problems, still we compare. Cmon we even compare gods. All I’m saying is this is the time we start questioning authority.

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    1. I’m not at all against comparison, but comparison shouldn’t be the only motive in life. I wrote only about my views of comparing ourselves for the wrong reasons, there are loads of other comparisons I haven’t even spoken about here. Neither am I supporting any politician. They are doing their job and I’m doing mine. What is more important for me is how I treat myself and the people I come across. If I fail to do something, I don’t believe in asking why someone else did it, I need to ask myself why I failed.
      It’s your view and I still respect it, you should stand by your thoughts. So will I.

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